AAC Institute: The AAC Institute is a not-for-profit charitable organization dedicated to the most effective communication for people who rely on augmentative and alternative communication (AAC).
Ablenet Inc: Creates simple-to-use assistive technology products and educational programs that empower people with complex physical and cognitive disabilities.
Assistive Technology Inc: Assistive Technology, Inc. (ATI) is a premier developer of innovative hardware and software solutions for people with disabilities.
Enabling Devices: A company dedicated to developing affordable learning and assistive devices to help people of all ages with disabling conditions.
DynaVox Technologies: Provides customers with solutions that are easy to use, durable and make it easy for individuals with significant speech, language and learning disabilities to communicate at the fastest rate possible.
Prentke Romich Company (PRC): Is the worldwide leader in the development and manufacture of augmentative communication devices, computer access products, and other assistive technology for people with severe disabilities.
Saltillo Corporation: Saltillo develops, manufactures and distributes assistive technology for persons with physical disabilities. The company specializes in voice output communication devices. Saltillo also offers voice amplification and memory assistance products.
One Write Company: Develops products that will help people
Mackenzie’s Website: Mackenzie’s story, updates, and photos of progress since her near-drowning experience.