
What is AAC?

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) refers to all communication that supplements natural speech. It may enhance spoken and/or written language abilities, improve social/pragmatic language development, stimulate the use of speech, and facilitate the educational and vocational process. Augmentative communication may make the use of symbols, aids, techniques, and strategies to compensate for impairment and disabilities patters that are common to people with severe expressive communication disorders.

Generally, AAC is the use of different types of equipment to allow those who have a communication disability to express themselves in various ways. Equipment ranges in abilities from cause/effect, allowing basic choice making, limited expressions, ability to control their environment (i.e. music, tv, computer, etc.) and the ability to communicate novel thoughts and ideas.

Inspiring Talkers has therapists that specalize in AAC Speech Therapy. Contact us to learn more.