
Traditional Speech-language therapy services for children

Our therapists specialize in speech therapy for children through young adults, including Early Intervention (age 0 to 3 years), Preschool (age 3 to 5 years), and School-age (6+ years). Therapists will provide:

  • Comprehensive Evaluations, with written report of results
  • Therapy sessions designed to meet individual needs
  • Practice activities provided to enhance therapy progress
  • Constant Feedback and Resources Available to Families

We can help!

Inspiring Talkers can help with a full range of speech-language difficulties including:

  • Receptive and Expressive Language Disorders (difficulty understanding and/or expression)
  • Articulation Disorders (speech sound production disorder)
  • Oral-Motor disorders
  • Auditory Processing Disorders
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD)
  • Autism


We accept a variety of payment options including: cash, check, and credit cards. We also accept third party payment from any private insurance plan that provides speech therapy benefits. We are in-network with TriWest & Medicaid. We are able to bill most primary insurance companies out-of-network. We work hard to make therapy affordable for all families.